Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ending Soon: The Perfect Nursery Giveaway with Q-Tips and Wendy Bellissimo over at 3 Kids And Us

Along the way, I'll be showing you the life cycle of a giveaway.  Since I'm like I am, I'll start at the end, just to mess with you.

Through twitter, I found This giveaway which is ending very soon, probably before anyone other than my family will ever read about this.  It's for a beautiful silver elephant bank and two packs of Q-Tips.

We love Q-Tips!

The tweet was thus:

3KidsandUs Cat@3KidsandUs Feb 11, 11:33 AM Q-Tips Perfect Nursery #Giveaway Only 47 entries and ends in 2 hours LOW ENTRIES! 

So I click on the lovely shortened link and I find a lovely site that brings a few key things to mind:

* The hunt for prizes takes you to some interesting places.

* Blogs, if done well, really sparkle.

* There is a community here.  You can almost hear the buzzing of activity, and imagine the clicks!

I'll definitely be coming back to this blog.  Bookmarked.  Followed.  Tweeted.  Commented.  And heck, I'm so excited about it, I'll throw in a picture of a smurf at the end of the post.

I was a long time Twitter holdout, but I'm a believer now.  It keeps everybody in touch and is easy to incorporate into the vibrant hub of the blog.

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